Proposed changes among non-threatened categories LC, DD and NE in the NT – Plants


Least Concern (LC) Available data indicate the species does not meet IUCN criteria for listing as threatened; the majority of species.
Data Deficient (DD) Those species for which there is not sufficient data on population size or trend to unambiguously determine the conservation status.
Not Evaluated (NE) Includes vagrants in the NT and species with uncertain taxonomy.
Not Assessed (NA) Includes introduced species, species for which the only NT records are disputed, and species not found within NT jurisdictional boundary (e.g. marine species recorded nearby in Commonwealth waters).

Summary of proposed changes to listings

Refer to the summary of proposed changes to non-threatened categories in the NT for plants PDF (1.2 MB).

References cited

Barrett RL, Telford, IRH (2015) Two new species of Phyllanthus from northern Australia and notes on Phyllanthus, Sauropus and Synostemon (Phyllanthaceae) in Western Australia. Nuytsia 26.

Franklin DC, Preece ND (2014) The Eucalypts of Northern Australia: An Assessment of the Conservation Status of Taxa and Communities. A report to Kimberley to Cape and the Environment Centre NT, April 2014.

Hellquist CB, Jacobs SWL (2011) Aponogeton. In: Flora of Australia 39. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra.

Hellquist CB, Jacobs SWL (1998) Aponogetonaceae of Australia, with descriptions of six new taxa. Telopea. 8. 10.7751/telopea19982010.

Jacobs SWL, Les D, Moody M, Hellquist CB (2006) Two new species of Aponogeton (Aponogetonaceae) and a key to species from Australia. Telopea. 11. 129-134. 10.7751/telopea20065715.

Jones DL (2006) A Complete Guide to Native Orchids of Australia, Including the Island Territories. pp. 282. Reed New Holland, Sydney.

Orchard AE (2011) A review of Australian Adenostemma J.R.Forst & G.Forst. (Asteraceae: Eupatorieae).

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