Rangers attend the 2024 Central Land Council Ranger Camp at Tilmouth Well


Last month NT Parks and Wildlife Rangers from Central Australia Parks were invited to attend the 2024 Central Land Council Ranger Camp at Tilmouth Well.

NT Parks and Wildlife Division Rangers Lille Madden, based at Alice Springs Telegraph Station, Barry Cavanagh from Arltunga Historic Reserve and Anthony McGuire from Simpsons Gap attended the 2024 Central Land Council (CLC) Ranger Camp at Tilmouth Well from Monday 15 - Friday 19 April.

Over 200 Rangers from across Central Australia travelled for many hours, some over multiple days in order to participate in the week of networking and training.

The first 2 days of the camp were filled with Ranger presentations highlighting different conservation efforts. Groups were invited to introduce themselves and share insights from projects that they have been working on throughout the year. Some key highlights from the presentations were from the Warlpiri Rangers, who launched and workshopped their new bilingual animal tracking training package called Yitaki Maninjaku Ngurungka (reading the Country). This new technology is intended for Rangers by Rangers, to use to continue the practice of ancient tracking techniques. Other groups like the Kiwirrkurra Rangers spoke about their recent success of recording the critically endangered night parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis) and how the fauna surveys that they had been doing on feral cats are integral to protecting and preserving its natural habitat.

Every year the Ranger camp provides a range of training opportunities that are run on site for Rangers to participate in. This year, Barry took part in the BIITE Cert II Chemical Training & Refresher, whilst Anthony participated in the Culturally Responsive Trauma Informed Practice course and Lille completed the Skid Steer course.

'The opportunity to attend the Ranger Camp is highly beneficial and inspiring. As a Indigenous woman Ranger it is a great opportunity to meet other fellow Rangers, network and to hear about the fantastic work each group is doing for conservation in the Central Australia region,' Lille said.

Pictured left to right: Rangers Lille Madden (Alice Springs Telegraph Station), Anthony McGuire (Simpsons Gap) and Barry Cavanagh (Arltunga Historic Reserve) at the Central Land Council Ranger Camp. Camp attendees at the Central Land Council Ranger Camp.

Skid Steer training in progress.
Skid Steer training in progress.

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