Western Davenport

In 2015-16, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources undertook a soil and land suitability assessment in the Ali Curung area in parallel with a review of the Western Davenport water allocation plan.

The soil and land suitability assessment investigated 47,610ha across pastoral and Indigenous land, and identified more than 43,840ha of land suitable for a range of irrigated agricultural crops.

The current water allocation plan identifies an Estimated Sustainable Yield for groundwater of 168,405ML/year, with 30,000 ML/year allocated to the environment and non-consumptive cultural use and 138,405ML/year available to be shared amongst consumptive users.

In recognition of growing interest to undertake further irrigated horticultural development in the Western Davenport area, further studies are underway to better understand groundwater availability and biodiversity assets in the area.

Improved mapping of depth to groundwater and knowledge of existence and requirements for protection of groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) are required to inform water allocation decisions and provide confidence in long term water availability.

More extensive mapping of the soil and land capability is also required to support development expansion.

A desktop soil and land suitability assessment, biodiversity and GDE surveys and groundwater drilling in the area are currently underway to address these knowledge gaps with analyses and reports due to be published late 2021.

Integrating these products will provide a comprehensive overview of the biophysical resources within the area and inform development of a new Western Davenport Water Allocation Plan due 2021.

Western Davenport locality map

View a larger version of the Western Davenport locality map.

A development opportunity summary report and associated information products will be developed on completion of the soil, water and biodiversity assessments. Publication is likely to be 2021.

The following report and maps document the soil and land factors likely to impact irrigated agricultural development and highlight the crops most suited to 47,610ha in the Ali Curung area. Further information related to a broader area within the Western Davenport district are likely to be published in 2021.

Ali Curung

Read more information related to water allocation in the Western Davenport district.


For further information, contact:

Simon Cruickshank
Phone: 08 8999 3676
Email: simon.cruickshank@nt.gov.au

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