Northern Territory Offsets Principles

The Northern Territory Offsets Principles are a central component of the Northern Territory Offsets Framework. The Offsets Principles guide offset design and decision making about all types of offsets that may be used in the Territory under the Offsets Framework. This includes both biodiversity and greenhouse gas emissions offsets.

The Offset Principles were developed based on the outcomes of community consultation on an early draft offsets policy in 2019 and 2020.  These outcomes are summarised in the Consultation Summary Report PDF (752.7 KB).

A number of additional policies and guidelines are currently being developed to provide further rules and guidance for offsets in the Territory. These policies and guidelines will operate in conjunction with the Offset Principles to establish a target-based offsets approach focused on maximising the benefits to the Territory.

Read the Offsets principles PDF (981.5 KB).

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