Aquatic ecosystem studies for Beetaloo Sub-basin

These studies aim to understand the biodiversity and ecology of aquatic ecosystems. These include ecosystems on the surface (such as rivers and swamps) and underground (stygofauna).

To establish a baseline of aquatic ecology, it is important to identify:

  • types of aquatic ecosystems
  • aquatic plants
  • aquatic vertebrate and invertebrate species
  • the distribution of significant species (such as threatened species)
  • important sites (such as ones that support many species)

Baseline study report

The aquatic ecosystems baseline study report is a complete compilation of all information collected throughout the project, and includes:

Data and other resources

As well as the baseline study report, you can access raw data and other useful products for the aquatic ecosystem study, go to the SREBA data catalogue website.

Watch the video

Go to YouTube to watch the project research presentations.

Aquatic presentation

Stygofauna presentation

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